First kiss at a spookie soiree

Help a young witch get her first kiss

FIRST KISS AT A SPOOKY SOIREE is a visual novel created for Yuri Jam 2016. You play as marzipan, a light witch who's gone her whole life without kissing anyone--UNTIL TONIGHT!

The game has 10 endings and 8,976 words.

Lethal cuteness GxG YuriJam Halloween

Comments (3)

this game was SO CUTE! I love the art & distinct characters. seriously this made me so happy <3
The story grabbed my attention and the art is adorable.

Ahhhh c'est le jeu le plus mignon auquel j'ai jamais joué
Toutes les petites histoires ultra queer j'adore
C'est devenu un de mes jeux préférés <333