How to display characters
You can add new characters in the admin panel in the Asset manager > Characters menu.
Display a character on screen. If the character is already added to the stage, it simply modifies its attributes. A show statement consists of a single logical line beginning with the keyword show, followed by the character short code and its eventual expressions, followed by zero or more properties.
> show eileen at left with fade
If a character has several sprites, you can add the name of the sprite after the character short name.
> show eileen
# Eileen expression changes to happy
> show eileen happy
Optional parameters:
The transition animation used either to make the character appear or to change its attributes.
Possible values:
- fade:
- offscreen character: the character fade in [default]
- onscreen caracter: no effect
- move:
- offscreen character: no effect
- onscreen caracter: the character slides to the new position [default]
- moveinleft:
- offscreen character: the character slides in from the left side
- onscreen caracter: no effect
- moveinright:
- offscreen character: the character slides in from the right side
- onscreen caracter: no effect
- none: no transition, the character appears or changes suddently
The position of the character. Possible values: left, center-left, center, center-right, right
Force the character to be behind another one.
By default, character are sorted according to their position in the following order: center > center-left > center-right > left > right
If two characters partially overlapped, a centered character will be displayed behind a left positioned character.
Add an effect to the character sprite.
Possible values:
- blur, blur light or blur heavy: blur the sprite
- grayscale: the sprite is displayed in black and white
- sepia: add a sepia filter to the sprite
- dark, dark light or dark heavy: darken the sprite
- bright, bright light or bright heavy: brighten the sprite
- zoom, zoom light or zoom heavy: zoom in the sprite, relatively x2, x1.5 and x3
- flip: verticaly flip the sprite
- bounce: make the character to bounce briefly
- float: make the character to bounce
- sway: make the character to sway briefly
To remove all effects:
To remove a single effect:
Hide a character offscreen. A hide statement consists of a single logical line beginning with the keyword hide, followed by the character short code, followed by zero or more properties.
> hide eileen with moveoutleft
Optional parameters:
The transition animation used to make the character disappear.
Possible values:
- fade: the character fades in
- move: the character slides out to the closest side of the screen (left or right).
- moveoutleft: the character slides out to the left side of the screen
- moveinright: the character slides out to the right side of the screen
- none: no transition, the character disappears suddently